Blogpost Livestream
published 16-05-2023

Why hybrid events? Highlighting the benefits and tips
Hybrid events are the perfect blend of online and offline interactions. While part of your audience is physically present, others can join in via your livestream. Here’s a breakdown of how to set up a hybrid event and the benefits it offers.
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed our lives. We are more accustomed than ever to working remotely and living on demand. This has, of course, influenced how we organize events. Online events are more professional than ever, and hybrid events have become an integral part of society.
What are hybrid events exactly?
A hybrid event seamlessly combines physical and online elements. On-site, you’ll have your presenter, host, speakers, and/or audience. At the same time, people can join the event from their homes, offices, or other locations via a hybrid livestream.
But broadcasting the event alone isn’t enough. Organizing a hybrid event requires expertise. While the online aspect focuses on knowledge sharing and flexibility, the physical event emphasizes experience, networking, and a sense of exclusivity. Therefore, ensure you create interaction in the right way. Online interaction might include polls or word clouds.
Why consider a hybrid event?
Broader Reach: Hybrid events have a much larger reach than purely physical events. More people can attend due to the combination of online and offline elements.
Increased Sustainability: Your audience doesn’t have to be physically present, nor do (some of) your speakers. Digital participation is a more sustainable option!
Greater Flexibility: You offer your audience much more flexibility. If they can’t attend in person at the last minute, they can still join online.
Inspiring program
The heart of any event is a strong and inspiring program. For hybrid events, this is even more crucial as you need to cater to two types of audiences (online and physical). We recommend not presenting the exact same program to both groups.
Why? An online viewer has a much shorter attention span than someone physically present. Our tip: keep the online program to no longer than 30 minutes. Attendees in the room can stay engaged for 45 to 60 minutes. Don’t forget to end on a high note.
Online and offline interaction
Interaction is incredibly important at events, both online and offline. You’ll find it easier to create interaction with a physical audience than with an online one. However, don’t skip the effort: it increases engagement.
For interaction, two factors are crucial:
- The Host
- The Platform
While online viewers can’t ask questions in the room, the right platform allows them to send in messages. It’s up to the host to also ask questions to the online audience. Bonus tip: periodically read out the online answers. This makes the online audience feel as though they are part of the physical event.
Want to organize hybrid events?
At SoMMedia, we specialize in livestreams and hybrid events. If you need assistance or more information, feel free to contact us. We’re here to help!