Recruit staff with a



What is a recruitment video?

A recruitment video informs potential employees in an engaging and captivating way. The video can showcase various aspects of the company, such as career opportunities within your organization, the company culture, core values, and the overall atmosphere of the workplace.

Get in touch 

Met een wervingsvideo informeer je potentiële werknemers op een interessante en pakkende manier.

Our working method


First, we need to understand what your video should be about and the goal of your message. Then, we will work together to determine which type of video best suits your needs.


To clarify your story, we need a bit more information. First, we’ll have a detailed Q&A session to gather all the necessary input. Then, a scriptwriter will get to work on developing the script!


We handle everything required for a shoot day, including arranging a crew, actors, and props. After the shoot, we gather all the footage and turn it into an amazing video.

Why a recruitment video?

A recruitment video is more than just a job listing in video form. It showcases what your organization stands for and helps attract the right candidates. Here are some advantages:

  • A credible behind-the-scenes look: A recruitment video gives potential employees an inside view of your company. This includes daily operations as well as company events, so candidates know exactly what to expect.
  • Brand strengthening: A recruitment video demonstrates your investment in employees and highlights your company’s values. This contributes to strengthening your brand image.
  • Increased engagement: Videos capture attention, leading to better engagement from applicants, higher conversion rates, and improved quality of applications.
  • Save time and resources: A video can address frequently asked questions from candidates, saving your HR team time and resources.
Een wervingsvideo trekt niet alleen nieuw talent aan, het versterkt ook jouw bedrijfscultuur en merkidentiteit. Benieuwd hoe wij dat doen? Lees dan verder.

At SoMMedia we’re here for you

Curious about how a recruitment video for your organization could look? Our team of videographers and marketers is ready to assist you! Contact us to explore the possibilities.

Check out our projects

Plan a videocall

Do you have plans for a compelling animation or a professional video? At SoMMedia, we are ready to assist you. Our team of experienced creative professionals is excited to work with you and bring your message from concept to reality.

Schedule your video call today and discover the power of visual storytelling for your brand!

Make an appointment!

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